A – Advertise

Social media has so many (sometimes too many) capabilities. You can target people based on household income, job title, location, interests and so much more! Although this may be intimidating… don’t worry! We’re here to help!

B – Boost a post (when necessary)

Have an important message or promotion coming up? Simply go through Facebook’s “Boost a Post” feature and target people who like your page & their friends!

C – Cadence

Post consistently on all your social media platforms. There’s no exact science on how many posts per week is the “magic number”, but we’d recommend 3-5 depending on your industry.

D – Dimensions

Each social media platform has different size requirements, and it is CRUCIAL that you post the right size on each platform. If not, your graphic or photograph might be cut off or appear disproportionate.

E- Editorial Calendar

Create an editorial calendar! This is a roadmap that outlines anything & everything that’s related to your business: Holidays, events, etc. This way you don’t miss anything that could be an easy opportunity to post content and engage with your consumers.

F – Follow your competition

See what others in your industry are doing. It gives you ideas,and helps you stay current on trends.

G – Goals

Create goals and work to achieve them! It can be as simple as posting to Instagram every day, or more advanced like creating a video.

H – Hashtags

Use hashtags on all applicable platforms. Currently, we’d say you absolutely need them on Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

I – Influencers

When you’re trying to get your messaging out, use influencers that make sense for your industry. For example, if you’re a food restaurant look at local “food bloggers” and offer them a free meal to come in and post about your restaurant. Then, you’re reaching their audience for the simple cost of a meal!

J- Jargon

If your industry lends itself to using jargon in your daily life, be careful carrying those words over into your social media presence. Using these words could easily alienate your customers rather make them feel as if they can relate to your company.

K – Keywords

Know which keywords are important to your business and your clientele, if you are in real estate phrases such as “just listed” and “hot in the market” contain keywords that your audience will be searching for on social media.

L – Likes

It’s not all about the likes! Likes are considered to be a vanity metric, we’re not saying to completely ignore them; but if people are engaged on your posts (such as sharing and commenting), this is much more important than receiving a simple “like”.

M – Monitor

The best way to build your social media presence is to be constantly monitoring it. This means, when a customer comments on your posts, respond. If a post performs extraordinarily well, try to determine why and mirror future posts to replicate those that your audience gravitates towards.

N – Network

The point of social networking is to share – information, ideas, and messages. Build a network of people who are interested in the things you want to share, and they will want to engage with what you are sharing!

O – Organic

Social media platforms may be pushing businesses to “having to pay for reach & engagement” however the ultimate goal should be reaching for the organic reach.

P – Promotions

Don’t underestimate the power of a promotion. We don’t recommend having a constant promotion valid, but having an incentive is an easy way to have your customers visit your establishment within a certain period of time. Then make sure you’re tracking redemptions, this way you can show the powers that be the true ROI of your promotion!

Q – Quality over quantity

Posting less often with quality posts is much better for your social media strategy in the long run than posting every day with “ok” content. Be smart, selective & strategic!

R – Relationships & Replies

When someone is engaging with your content you have to act on it. Answering questions and acknowledging comments will help build a relationship with them!

S – Social Proof

Most people won’t purchase something unless they know it works or trust the company. Use testimonials to show new consumers how great your product or service is.

T – Tone

Maintain a consistent tone that your company will use when posting and always, always follow it. When writing posts, pick one person your company is speaking to and write for them!

U – User-Generated Content

This type of content is a slam dunk when it comes to social media, it’s organic, its authentic and it’s FREE! Download, repost and share posts that your customers tag you in. The best part, they’ll feel the love too!

V – Visuals

People want to see pictures of people, products etc. when they’re scrolling through their feeds. So ALWAYS, ALWAYS include an image to go with the post.

W – Word-of-Mouth

The absolute best way to spread your message is by using word-of-mouth. Encourage your employees and fans to share why they love you. This way, you get FREE advertising for your own products and services too!

X – XXXtra

People always want to feel as if they’re receiving something “extra” for following and engaging with your content. The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure that every post you create provides value to your following. Whether it be a special offer, a how-to guide or a fun fact, or providing an extra bonus to your following is crucial to building and maintaining your audience.

Y – You

People love seeing pictures of you,and your company. It not only makes them feel closer to your brand but also gives them a look into what your company is all about in an organic way.

Z – Zebra

Okay you caught us, z is a little hard but here’s a fun-fact you can act upon. People love seeing animals! Occasionally, include an image of an animal repping your brand or whatever it may be, and your customers will definitely engage with that content. Ps, babies cause the same reaction! Check our services.