Infographic: Digital Marketing Creative Checklist | Elysium Marketing Group
How do you make digital marketing creatives (infographic)?
- Brainstorm upfront: Think through the direction of the piece before starting the creative.
- Always follow brand guidelines: Inspect brand guidelines for font, color, tone, cohesiveness, etc.
- Double-check sizing: Review sizing specs to make sure everything is consistent.
- Use highest resolution image: Ensure all photos, logos, etc are of the highest resolution.
- Ensure messaging is clear: Make sure there are no more than one or two main messages.
- Include a call to action: Ensure that there is always a call to action present.
- Double-check the detail: Review all details to ensure the correct content is being used.
- Check spelling and grammar: Review the content to make sure spelling and grammar are accurate.
- Provide multiple options: Offer several options that incorporate clear differences if you are unsure which direction to go.
You’re all set!