1. It keeps you top-of-mind!

Recently I was working on getting pricing for a direct mail piece for one of my clients. It wasn’t a straightforward direct mail piece, so I was contemplating which company I should contact to send me pricing. Next thing you know, I received a newsletter from a printing company that I had completely forgotten about. With so much going on, their company’s name wasn’t coming to me. The newsletter came, I called my contact, and we’re working on the piece together now. It was their way of staying (becoming) top of mind, and it paid off.

2. It’s cheap!

The hardest part of email marketing is gathering a robust list of recipients. But once you do that, it costs very little to actually get your messaging into the hands of your current or prospective clients.

3. It positions you as an authority!

Well, really blogs and content do that. But the newsletter is a fantastic distributor of your thought leadership. It’s a great way to show clients and prospects that you are an expert in your field, and that they should be working with you.

4. It drives traffic to your site!

A good e-newsletter leads you to different parts of the sender’s site. This way clients and prospects can make themselves more familiar with the services you offer, read more of the content you’re providing, and eventually contact you or fill out your lead form. You want people on your site because getting them there means they are a step closer to converting or signing on for your services.